Parents in Newark have many options when considering the right schools for their children.

There are five main types of schools to consider:

  1. Newark Board of Education District Schools

  2. Public Charter Schools

  3. Essex County Schools of Technology High Schools

  4. Pre-K Providers

  5. Private Schools

Newark Board of Education District Schools


What is it?

Newark Board of Education District Schools are schools operated by the Newark Board of Education. Within the district there are over 65 schools and a variety of different school models to choose from.

Neighborhood District Schools: District schools open to all Newark residents, where students from the school’s neighborhood are prioritized for enrollment.

Magnet High Schools: Selective high schools that consider grades, test scores, and other factors.

Specialized High Schools: Selective high schools that consider grades, test scores, and other factors and have a specific content focus (e.g. Data Science or Fashion)

Special Education Schools: Schools that focus on serving students with particular needs based on their Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Who is eligible?

All children living in Newark are eligible.

Where can I learn more or apply?

Visit the District site at Apply at the District’s unified enrollment page at

Charter Schools


What is it?

Charter schools are free, public schools that are open to all students. Newark charter schools are authorized and accountable to the New Jersey Department of Education and operated independently by non-profit organizations.

Who is eligible?

For most charter schools in Newark, children living in Newark are prioritized. However, students living in New Jersey outside of Newark are also welcome to apply.

Where can I learn more or apply?

A majority of Newark Charter Schools now are enrolling students through the Newark Common App - available at: and opening up for applications on December 1. For schools not participating in the Newark Common App, you can visit their school pages directly, NJPCSA, and NJDOE Charter School Pages.

Essex County Schools of Technology High Schools


What is it?

Essex County Schools of Technology is a district that serves all of Essex County with three high school options. The district provides a college-preparatory academic program culminating in Advanced Placement coursework as well as a competitive Career and Technical Educational program.

Who is eligible?

All high school students living in Essex County, including Newark students. Essex County Schools of Technology are selective high schools that consider essays, test scores, grades, and other factors.

Where can I learn more or apply?

Visit the Essex County Schools of Technology site.

Pre-K Providers


What is it?

Pre-K Providers are free, public Pre-K sites that are operated by non-profit organizations and partner with the Newark Board of Education to provide more Pre-K options to Newark families.

Who is eligible?

All 3-and 4-year-old children living in Newark

Where can I learn more or apply?

Visit the District Pre-K options page.


Private Schools


What is it?

Private schools are schools operated by a private organization or a religious organization without financial support from state or local government. Generally, students pay tuition to attend private schools though scholarships may be available. Private schools may have admissions criteria such as grades, test scores, or interviews.

Who is eligible?

Each private school has their own admissions process and requirements.

Where can I learn more?

Explore private school options and application processes for each school using our Explore tool.